Thursday, January 26, 2012



This is Long Chen's Physical Geography Blog.

        My chosen location is a grass plains in Inner Mongolia, China. The grass plains in Inner Mogolia is the largest grass plain in China. There are not only plains in this area, but also mountains, river, deserts, cities, and many other forms of landscape.

        The reason why I chose this location is because that this is the most beautiful place I have ever visited. I drove a range rover around here with my friends for ten days. I'll never forget this aventure experience, and the incredible landforms here. Besides, I chose a place I've ever visited because I can get a deeper understanding of the landform there. And when I do the description, it will be more lively.

Reference: (2007). Inner Mongolia. Retrieved from:

        Simona. (2011). Inner Mongolia and the Silk Roads. Retrieved from: